What are the Boosters?

The GGHS Music Booster Association seeks to include every parent who has a child (or children) in the Garden Grove High School Instrumental Music Department.  We need parent involvement to make the music program strong and give our students the best educational experience possible.  There are always plenty of opportunities for parents to help out, and we can never have too much parent support!  Please take the time to be involved in your child's high school music experience.  Even the small things can make a big difference for the students in our program!  Or, stop by at any booster meeting (usually the first Thursday of each month) for more information.

All Parent Booster Meetings are held at 5:30 pm in the band/orchestra room (411), usually on the 1st Thursday of each month during the school year, unless posted otherwise.

We are organized as a 501(c) 3 CA Incorporated Non-Profit Organization.  This means any donations to us can be tax deductible, and we can accept employer matching gifts, and we have corporate bylaws and policies.

GGHS Music Booster Association Inc. Executive Board 2022-23:

Arely Pantoja, President

Medelly Cervantes, Vice President - Band

Brittney Hernandez, Vice President - Orchestra

Roxana Rodarte, Secretary

Thuy Le, Treasurer

Sonia Guillen-Plude, Volunteer Liaison

Parent Resources:

Parent Booster USA

National ASsociation of Music Parents

The Music Parents' Guide